Friday, 24 July 2015

Annual Meeting of the Board of Bishops - July 23, 2015

July 23rd was a busy day for the Albertine Family and its Board of Bishops. The day began with the Holy Eucharist presided over by H.E. Telesphore P. Cardinal Toppo and concelebrated by fifteen other bishops and professors of SAC. The Rector, Fr. Deepak Valerian Tauro welcomed the gathering. Cardinal Toppo, in his homily invited everyone to detach oneself from earthly possessions, luxuries and riches to be worthy followers of Christ. Everyone is called to follow Christ. When we follow worthily, God showers us with blessings.

After the Holy Eucharist, there was photo session of Board of Bishops with the staff and students. After the breakfast there was a meeting of Bishops with the staff in the staff room. To begin with the meeting, Fr. Deonis Ekka invoked the blessings of the Almighty by singing a Bhajan and thereafter Most Rev. William D’Souza S.J., the Archbishop of Patna and the outgoing Chancellor of the College paid tribute to late Fr. Lukas Tirkey. Archbishop then officially handed over the mantle of Chancellorship to H.E. Telesphore P. Cardinal Toppo. From this onwards, the Archbishop of Ranchi will be the Chancellor of SAC.

The change of chancellor was due to the change of Ecclesial body of bishops. So far the BIJHAN board was existing and this got bifurcated into Bihar Regional Bishops Conference and Jharkhand-Andaman Regional Bishop’s Conference. Bishop Felix Toppo S.J., is the present Vice-Chancellor of SAC. The incumbent chancellor handed over his office to the new chancellor by exchanging files and offering a flower sapling symbolically.

This was followed by the deliberations of the meeting. Various issues were discussed during the meeting: strengthening staff, formative aspects, spiritual and temporal issues etc. At 12.30 p.m a sumptuous meal was arranged in student refectories for all. In the afternoon, bishops met all the student in two groups including the day scholars – philosophers and theologians separately. Brothers expressed their concerns to the bishops.

In the evening at 6.30, a short felicitation programme was arranged by the students for the bishops, especially to thank the outgoing Chancellor and to welcome the new Chancellor. Br. Alex Lepcha anchored the whole programme. Second year theology brothers sang a welcome song while Br. Robert Tigga of third year theology expressed the words of appreciation.

During the programme, Sr. Pushpa who was helping the kitchen and farm was given a grand farewell. Archbishop William D’Souza felicitated her with a gift. In his parting message as Chancellor, archbishop William explained about the bifurcation of BIJHAN bishops conference and its proceedings. He exhorted that all the students need to discipline oneself in life. He said, “The road ahead of us is not dark, The rays of hope are in the horizon,  Only we have to gaze into the horizon, allow the rays of hope penetrate us, sink in the rays of light of hope of Jesus our master and shepherd, where we need to emulate.” Further he said, “We discipline ourselves: intellectual disciple, emotional disciple, psychological disciple and physical disciple. Out body mind and spirit need to be disciplined to listen to the Word of God.” With the blessing of Cardinal Toppo, the day came to its end.

A little ‘thank you’ that you will say to someone for a ‘little favour’ shown to you, is a key to unlock the doors that hide unseen ‘greater favours’. Learn to say thank you and why no…
Israelmore Ayivor

Thursday, 9 July 2015


Inauguration of the 36th Annual Academic Year 2015-16 took place on 9th July, 2015 with a solemn Eucharist presided over by H.E. Telesphore Cardinal P. Toppo, the Archbishop of Ranchi and the Patron of the St. Albert’s College (SAC) Ranchi. Most Rev. Felix Toppo S.J., the Vice-Chancellor of SAC, Most Rev. Theodore Mascarenhas, Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, Most Rev. Charles Soreng S.J., the Bishop Emeritus of Hazaribagh Diocese, Very Rev. Joseph Marianus Kujur S.J., the Provincial of Jesuits of Ranchi, and other 26 priests concelebrated at the Mass. Bishop Telesphore Mascarenhas in his homily said, “We are afraid of so many insecurities in life. The Gospel gives us assurance. The Lord breaks all the walls of insecurities and gives us peace and entrusts us with a mission. Let us allow the Lord to come in to remove our fears and give us peace. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom comes from the Lord, for the fear of the Lord is the only fear worth having.”
Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas breaking the Word of God

After the Holy Eucharist, there was a formal Inaugural Function at the SAC Auditorium. The Albertine Choir sang the welcome song. The dignitaries on the podium were, H.E. Telesphore Cardinal P. Toppo, Most Rev.Felix Toppo S.J, Rev.Fr. Rector, Deepak Tauro, Fr. John Crasta, the Registrar of the Faculty, Rev. Fr. Erik Breye, the dean of Post Graduate Studies, Fr. Bijay Kandulna, Rev. Fr. Suman Kumar. Ekka, the President of the Faculty, and Rev. Fr. Selva Raj, the Vice President of the Faculty. Apart from these several the other dignitaries present on the occasion were: Most Rev. Theodore Mascarenhas, Most Rev. Charles Soren S.J, Rev. Dr. Man Masih Ekka, the principal of Gossner Theological College, Rev. Fr. Joseph Marianus Kujur, the Provincial of Ranchi Jesuits and several other religious of Ranchi. Fr. Deepak Tauro, the Rector of the seminary welcomed every one present. In his message he said, “Let us learn from Christ who is the source of Wisdom. There is no short cut for success. Only hard work is the way to achieve it.” To invoke the blessings of God, dignitaries, guests and the student representatives Lighted the Lamp. Then, the President delivered his Inaugural Address. In his address, invited everyone to keep a moment of silence as an obituary for Fr. Lucas Tirkey, who passed away on 25th of April, 2015. At the end of his address, the Cardinal declared the Academic Year 2015-16 Open.

Welcome to the former Rector, Rev. Joseph P. Pinto
Rector, Rev. Fr. Deepak V. Tauro Welcoming the gathering
Lighting of the Lamp

The Presidential Address
This was followed by the announcement of Results of the previous academic year and awarding of degrees. Fr. Selva Raj, the Vice-President and Dean of Philosophy announced the results of 27 philosophy students who were awarded with BPh Degree. Then the Registrar of the Faculty, Rev. Fr. John Crasta announced the results of MTh and  BTh Examination held in the previous academic year.  Brs. Alex Lepcha, Bipin Kandulna, Patrick Barla and Xavier Topno topped in BTh exams. Cardinal Toppo awarded the degrees.  In the last academic year, 3 students – Frs. Bhushan Bara, Appunraj and Arulappan defended MTh  successfully, 20 finished theological studies (BTh) and got ordained priests and 30 finished the philosophical and college studies.

Vice President announcing BPh Results
The Registrar Announcing the MTh and BTh results

The Vice Chancellor, Most Rev. Felix Toppo S.J. congratulated the students who completed their studies. In his address, he said, “we receive rewards for the good we do. They have received the reward due to their effort. The staff too have contributed in their effort. I congratulate them all.” He further said, “Go beyond knowledge and acquire wisdom. Pray and contemplate and have a deep love for God. We need to recognize the beauty of God. We need to go in search of beauty of God in nature where we find our own beauty.”

Fr. Bijay Kandulna who completed his Philosophy here in SAC and pursued his BTh and MTh from the University of Urbanianum, Rome presented the Schola Brevis on the topic, “The Trinity as Principle and Modal of Hindu Christian Dialogue: Trimurti, Saccidananda and Blessed Trinity.” This was a comparative study on Hindu concept and Christian concept of Trinity from the Missiological perspective.

Schola Brevis: Fr. Bijay Kandulna
At the end, H.E. Telesphore Cardinal P. Toppo blessed everyone with his elegant message. He invited us learn at all stages of life. More so, keep our surrounding neat and clean.

Degree holders with the Dignitaries

Br. John Minj compered the programme. The programme concluded with a sumptuous meal in the refectory.
The Master of Ceremony: Br. John Minj

Report: Fr. Raju Felix Crasta

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Installation of the New Rector: Rev. Fr. Deepak Valerian Tauro

1st of July was the day filled with mixed feelings. The Albertine family bid farewell to Rev. Fr. Joseph Prasad Pinto OFM Cap., the Rector who served St. Albert’s College Ranchi (SAC) for the past 6 years (2009-2015). It was also the day of installation of the New Rector, Rev. Fr. Deepak Valerian Tauro. 
Fr. Deepak Valerian Tauro
Earlier, in the month of April, a grand welcome was given by the Staff and students when the Nunciature announced his name to  be the Rector of SAC.

[In the pictures below: Fr. Michael Ignatius, Fr. Raju Felix Crasta, Fr. John Crasta and Students]

Ceremonial Welcome
 Installation of the New Rector, Fr. Deepak V. Tauro
The programme began in the evening with the concelebrated Eucharist with His Eminence Telesphore Cardinal P.Toppo, the Archbishop of Ranchi and the Patron of SAC, Most. Rev. Felix Toppo SJ, the Vice Chancellor, Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, the Auxilary Bishop of Ranchi Archdiocese, Most. Rev. Charles Soreng SJ, Bishop Emiritus of the diocese of Hazaribag and the staff of the seminary. His Eminence Telesphore P. Cardinal Toppo, in his introduction thanked God for the gift of Fr. Prasad Pinto, as a Rector and formator of SAC for the past 6 years and prayed for the New Rector.  Most. Rev. Felix Toppo S.J., the Vice Chancellor of SAC broke the Word of God. After a beautiful homily, installation ceremony was conducted. Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, the Auxiliary Bishop of Ranchi Archdiocese read in the decree issued by the Vatican on the appointment of the New Rector, Fr. Deepak Valerian Tauro, who was one of the Staff of SAC. Vice-Chancellor received the Act of Faith and Oath from the New Rector. 
Vice-Chancellor - Most Rev. Felix Toppo S.J
Breaking the Word of God during the Holy Eucharist

Reading In of the Decree by
Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, the Auxiliary Bishop

An Act of Faith by Fr. Deepak Tauro,
In front of the  Vice Chancellor
An Act of Faith by Fr. Deepak Tauro, 
In front of the  Vice Chancellor
Signing the Document
Vice-Chancellor Congratulating the New Rector

His Eminence Telesphore Cardinal P. Toppo
The Patron of the Seminary
along with other bishops and priests during the Eucharist
Farewell to the Outgoing Rector, Rev. Fr. Joseph Prasad Pinto OFM Cap.
After the mass, was a felicitation programme arranged in the SAC auditorium. There were two main programmes: Farewell to the outgoing Rector and Welcome to the incoming rector. Br. Xavier Topno, the compere of the programme welcomed the distinguished guests: H.E. Telesphore P. Cardinal Toppo, Most. Rev. Felix Toppo S.J., Most. Rev. Charles Soreng S.J., Most. Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD and Rev. Fr. Joseph Marianus Kujur S.J., the Jesuit Provincial of Ranchi Province. Theology brothers sang a beautiful farewell song which was followed by a short video presentation prepared by Brs. Praveen Sequira and Bibin Thekkedath on the life and activities of the outgoing rector. In fact they were the ‘sweet memories’ of the beloved rector. The video made the outgoing rector emotional. This was followed by a short felicitation speech by Fr. John Crasta, the Prefect of theology and Registrar of the Faculty. In his speech he said, “Throughout the life, Fr. Rector had the passion to serve the humanity and the church. He played a key role of playing social work department by encouraging the brothers to interact and work with the socially deprived children. He was a man of humor which made even the most difficult challenges more bearable”. Most. Rev. Felix Toppo appreciated Rector thereafter and honoured him with a shawl and a sapling, not before thanking profusly for his wonderful service rendered to the church of Chotanagpur and to SAC in particular. Then, there were a few words of sentiments by the outgoing Rector, Rev. Fr. Joseph P. Pinto OFM Cap. He appreciated the Board of Bishops, Staff and students of St. Albert College. He also congratulated the New Rector and wished him the very best. With this the first part of the programme came to its end.
Farewell Song by the Brothers
Bishop Felix Toppo Thanking the Outgoing Rector
Dear Fr. Joseph Prasad Pinto, our beloved Rector, 

As you take your new road,

We wish you a cup of success,

A pint of happiness,
And a jug of achievements.
May you live the life of your dreams each moment

Welcome to the New Rector: Fr. Deepak V. Tauro
Felicitation Song by the Brothers
The second part of the programe was welcoming of the New Rector. There was a beautiful welcome song by the Philosophy Choir. Then, the New Rector Rev. Fr. Deepak Valerian Tauro addressed the gathering and expressed his vision and mission. First and foremost, he thanked God for electing him as the NEW RECTOR. He also thanked the outgoing Rector for his dedicated service. In his address, he said, “Let us build a good relationship with our Bishops, Gurus, Co-workers and all those who come in contact with us.”  He said that the term ‘authority’ in the church means ‘service’, and promised that he will be always at the service of the Church. He expressed his vision in terms of Spiritual Revival of the community, Intellectual formation, Fuller commitment of the Staff in the formation of the students and discipline of the self and of others. He proposed to create an Eco-task Force to protect the environment. Finally, he finished his address with a saying “a New born sweeps well” and asked all the staff and students to become a new broom so that the community remains vibrant and God living.
At the end of the programme, His Eminence Telesphore Cardinal P. Topp expressed the words of blessing but not before felicitating Rev. Deepak Tauro with a shawl and a sapling. The programme concluded with the seminary Anthem.

 News Report by Dainik Bhaskar

Blog Report by
Fr. R.F.Crasta and Br. Bibin V.