Sunday, 1 September 2013


 The dial clicked 12 and it was 31st of August. The long awaited day, the GURUKUL DIVAS has come. It is the College Day. Feast of St. Albert of Louvain, the Patron saint of St. Albert’s College, Ranchi. 

St. Albert of Louvain, pray for us

The day began with the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Rev. Fr. Xavier Soreng, S.J., the Jesuit Provincial of Ranchi. Fr. Rector, Fr. President and all other professors concelebrated the Holy Eucharist. The day-scholars from their respective congregations also participated in the Holy Eucharist. The Chief Celebrant broke the Word of God in a very scholarly way. He stressed that the Seminary day is “the day of renewing our commitment to God. Our ministry must be contextual so that we not only work for the people but with the people. Accompanying people in this time of political, economic and social turmoil is the need of the time.” Quoting Pope Francis he said, “The shepherd must smell like sheep." 
Fr. Xavier Soreng S.J, the Provincial of Ranchi
inaugurating the College Day
Lighting the lamp by Fr. President 
Rejoice in the Lord, Holy Eucharist
Presided over by Rev. Fr. X. Soreng, S.J
Soon after the Mass we all marched towards the entrance gate to honour our Patron Saint. Fr. Xavier Soreng S.J garlanded the statue of St. Albert at the entrance of the College and Fr. Rector lead us into the prayer.

Fr. Xavier Soreng S.J
Garlanding St. Albert of Louvain
Prayer near the entrance gate
in honour of St. Albert of Louvain

This was followed by traditional Football match between Theologians and Philosophers. The football players were escorted to the ground to the tune of Mandar and Nagra. 
Theologians escorting their
Soccer Players to the ground
In spite of several best shots, philosophers bowed down to theologians without scoring a goal. Theologians stroked three goals. However, the benjamins put a spectacular display of their soccer skill. 
Lining Up

Lining up with Refrees
Both teams together 
Winners, Theologians receiving the trophy
 from Frs. John and Rajesh 
Runners-up trophy being lifted by the Philosophers
After the games, brothers were seen singing 'Jubilate, Jubilate...' and Dancing to the tune of traditional songs and drums. This is how the Rector, Fr. Joseph Prasad Pinto was seen drumming with them.

Youthful Drummer
Sisters and staff  along with brothers
in celebrating the victory
In the evening we had a spectacular cultural programme. There were varieties of cultural dances depicting various cultures across India.  Pick of the day were, Nepali cultural dance, Bhojpuri Dance, Karam Dance and not to forget Kharia Dance, beside many other dances. Fr. Deepak Tauro screened the dances before their performances so as to preserve high voltage for the day. 

Kharia Dance

Bhojpuri Dance

Karam Dance

Santhali Dance
Cultural Song of North East

Nepali Dance

                  Xavier Topno, II BTh
                 John Ruptake MSFS

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