Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Gurukul Divas at SAC

Guru Gobind dono khaḍe, kāke lago pāñy,  Balihāri guru āpne Gobind diyo batāy,"  says Kabir Das

SAC celebrated Gurukul Divas in traditional a attire. The Rector, Fr. Joseph Prasad Pinto Ofm Cap., was the main celebrant at a concelebrated Eucharist. During the Eucharist, the teachers prayed for the students, and the students prayed for their teachers. 
Concelebrated Eucharist
Fr. Lucas Tirkey proclaiming the Word of God
In his homily Fr. Rector exhorted the students to excel in their life. In his homily he explained the meaning of Wisdom in the following way. Wisdom has several characteristics.
Rev. Fr. Joseph P. Pinto Ofm Cap.
Knowledge:  which is nothing but intellectual apprehension,  obtained by means of reading varieties of books, articles and newspapers.

Experience: The knowledge acquired need to be translated into our day-today experience. We acquire a lot of knowledge through various ministries.

Application of Knowledge acquired in day-today life. 
Chief Chef: Fr. Michael Ignatius, Minister of SAC
Three Cheers to Chief Chef and His Team
If Guru can be there, why can't we?
brothers helping in kitchen
Due to bad weather, the traditional match between Gurus and Chelas was cancelled. In the afternoon, sumptuous lunch was served in the refectory. Whole staff including domestic staff, dined with students which gave a homely atmosphere.

Relishing Sumptuous food

Relishing Sumptous food

   Domestic Staff and Students eating together

Students and Sr. Suman
In the evening, students organized a short cultural programme in honour of all the gurus. During which students honoured all the teachers both resident and visiting with a flower and an attractive gift.

House Monitor escorting the gurus in a traditional way
Honouring the Visiting Professors

Minister is being specially honoured

Shreshta gurus

Shreshta gurus
At the end, Fr. Rector delivered seven commandments of learning as his message.
1. Learn more: Always look to learn more and more and don’t be limited and satisfy from what you get
2. Learn to relate: what you learn need to be applied to whole reality. Reality is cosmotheandric
3. Learn to be realistic and do not be a idealistic person
4. Learn to be a self-disciplined person
5. Learn to be a self-transcending being
6. Learn to be holistic in growth. Participate in all the activities for they are meant to be holistic
7. Learn to enter into the process of fullness of growth
Felicitation Song

Loving Spiritual Directors of Many

Felicitation Song

Super Remix - Benjamines of SAC

Felicitation Speech

SAC Inspiration: Skit by Philosophers

Skit is a team work indeed

Creativity has no boundaries - Wise Students

We are all one

Gurur Brahmā Gurur Vis̕ṇu, Gurur Devo Mahes̕waraḥ, Gurur Sākṣāt pararbrahmā, Tasmai S̕rī Gurave Namaḥ

Report: SAC Darpan Team
Photography: John Madhukar


  1. Congratulations and all the best

    Fr. C.K

  2. Dear Friends,

    Congratulations for the colorful and informative blog of the Gurukul Divas. I feel envy of you, having such good fun, sumptuous delicious meal( I could see the plate full!) and entertainment galore. Such celebrations should unite the Albertine Family to become one heart and mind in achieving the goals and objectives set by you. God Bless You in this new ministry of getting connected with us, friends of St. Albert's. All the best to DARPAN TEAM and the BLOG MASTER.

    Archbishop William D'Souza, Patna
